Thursday, October 30, 2008

day 47 after transplant

Hey guys,

I know that this is early for me tonight but I want to get some other things done and then go to bed.I went to the clinic today at 10 and didn't get back to the hotel until 3 this afternoon.It was a long day. They really didn't do anything different today. I think that they may have been a little short staffed. I got the results back from my bone marrow biospy and they said that everything looked good. No sign of MDS. Praise the Lord! Things are going as scheduled. I do seem to be over this virus. There are still alot of people that have it. Thank the Lord that I only had a mild case of it compared to some of the others that I have seen in the clinic.
I do not have to go back to the clinic until Monday -- so I have the whole weekend off. That will be nice.

I can't believe that it is almost November. My time here is getting shorter and I will so excited about being back in B'water. I know that I will still have a long row to hoe then but at least I will be home.

Hey everybody, don't forget to turn your clocks back one hour on Saturday night or you will be late for church. Now it will get dark at 5 and that makes for a long night. It also means winter is just around the corner. I pray that it will not snow until after I get back to B'water because that could mess up my caregiver schedule.I will just take it one day at a time.

Thanks for your love, support and prayers for Rodney and me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that everything is going so well. In just three days you will be half way through and what a special day that will be. Keep up the work!

Thinking and praying for you,