Monday, October 20, 2008

day 37 after transplant

It's me again,

I went to the clinic today and it was a long day (10 to 3). They had double booked and a lot of people needed to be in isolation. They tried to put me in a very small room with another lady and I asked if I couldn't go down the hall to my favorite room. I am so glad the they let me do that because the first room was so small that the other lady would have had to almost be sitting on my lap. I thought isolation was only one person to a room. Then it took them an hour until they even started my blood work and my IV's. Then I had to do another nose drop culture and they wanted a urine sample and I had to have a chest xray. I also saw the nurse prat.. I get tomorrow off. I looking forward to just easing around.

When we got back to the hotel Dena did my linens off of my bed and I sat in the lounge chair and read and took a power nap.

The clinic called back this afternoon and my stomach got a knot in it. She asked me how I was doing and I said fine I think. They just wanted to change one of my meds. I asked her if the results had come back from my bone marrow biopsy and she said that the final results wouldn't be back for another 2 weeks but the preliminary looked good. Please continue to pray that the results will be good. Hard to wait 2 weeks but I have had to learn a lot of patience over the last several years.

Ate dinner and waiting for 10 so I can take my last meds for the day and then I am going to bed. Been a long day.

Dena and I are having a good time catching up on things. It is so wonderful to spend some time with her again. She is a new Grandmother of a little girl.

Not much else is happening so I will say good night to all. Miss you.

Love Gloria

1 comment:

PCox said...

Do you need me to come down there and give those nurses a lesson in efficiency ?? ;-)
Dennis & I had to exchange our GPS-the screen got an error message and couldn't be fixed ! THAT explains why we got lost every time I took you out in Richmond -(NOT). Guess I better not blame it on "Jack".
I imagine it's hard to wait this out--just read, eat, walk, drink and smile--it'll go by more quickly that way.
Thinking about you all day!
Pam & Denny