Sunday, October 19, 2008

day 36 after transplant


Today was a cool one. It was in the 50's and last Sunday it was 88 degrees. That's a big change. My poor head got cold.

Went to the clinic today and they took my labs, gave me an IV of saline and magesium and they did my antibotic for me. I have to go to clinic tomorrow and get another chest xray and labs and cultures. Hope that it won't be too long.

Dena Wheelbarger is now my caregiver until Thursday and then my brother John comes in. Dena is a friend from high school and so we will have a lot of laughs about our high school days. She is a hoot.

John will be here from Thursday to Wednesday and I am anxious to see him. He lives in AZ.

Rodney left and will be back next Friday.

Hope things went well at church today and I miss everyone.

Well I am going to sign off and soon go to bed and crash and burn. I am pretty tired.

God Bless each and everyone one of you. I love you.


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