Sunday, October 12, 2008

day 30 after transplant

Hello everyone,

Another good day. The weather was beautiful and Rodney and I went to Richmond's Folk Festival on Brown's Island. What a beautiful place. It is full of history down along the canal. There was a lot of people there but they were scattered so I didn't feel uncomfortable. A lot of the tents were set up in the grass but I had to stay on the walkways. I knew that I couldn't eat anything there but there was all kinds of food there. The craft tents were in the grass so I couldn't go there -- maybe that was a good thing. When I felt like I was getting tired we walked back to the car. It was so good to be out and about.

Holly is here to be my caregiver this week and it will be good to be with her for a week. She might like it here so well she'll just stay!

I go tomorrow to the clinic at 9:45. I have been drinking over 100 oz of fluid so hopefully that will mean another short visit.

Becky emailed me that there was a big turn out at the breakfast and service today. I am so glad. You couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day. I sure missed it. We listened to Charles Stanley on TV this morning. It was so about Joseph and that is exactly what I read this week when I was reading my Bible. Not a coincidence -- it was a Godincidence!

Well I will go to bed early so we can get to the clinic in time.

Take care everyone and have a wonderful week.

God Bless,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi There!
It was so good to talk to you on the phone this evening. Just be careful that you and Holly don't get into too much mischief this week!
I'm so glad that you and Rodney had the whole weekend off and got to spend some quality time together.
Drink! Drink! Drink!
Love and Hugs, Barb