Sunday, March 29, 2009

day 198 after transplant


Greetings to all,

This has been a busy week.

I guess the big event was on Tuesday when Rodney took me to MCV for blood work and more important for my bone marrow biopsy.

I had asked for prayers for me at 11:00 (when my biopsy was scheduled) and I could feel all of the prayers. Dr. Ben-Ezra did my biopsy and he was wonderful. He told me step by step how and what he was going to do. It was very painless ! I think that Rodney was very impressed with him. This was the first time that Rodney had been to MCV to see me get this procedure done, he has been with me at UVA to see this procedure. I will not know the results until the next time I go to MCV. We got home at 3:30 and that was a good day. George and Harriet Wilson came up for a visit and it was good to see them. George is a teacher that I worked with and his wife is going through a battle with cancer. We have tried to keep up with each other and give one another support.

I now have to go to MCV every other week and do not have to go to AMC unless I feel it is necessary. The next time I go to MCV is not until April 9th.  

On Wednesday I had an appointment with the endocrinologist about my thyroid level. She said that the last blood work was better than the one before so she said just to keep doing what I have been doing. I don't have to go back for 6 weeks to see her again.

On Thursday afternoon Rodney called and said that he was going to Lexington and wanted to know if I wanted to ride along. Sure thing! I packed our lunches and off we went. We went way back in the country and it was beautiful. Everything was so green and we saw a really neat old mill. It was a good day to ride with him.

On Saturday we took off and went to NC for the day to see the kids and it was a good trip. We left at 6 am and got down there at 9:30. We have a good visit and lunch together. We left NC at 3:30 and got home at 7:30. We drove home in the rain but it was still a nice day. I knew that I could not stay over night yet so it was really good just to be able to spend a couple hours with them. We took Rodney's mother with us, she had never seen their new house and I think that she had a good day.

Today we spent the day doing our Saturday chores -- laundry, etc.

Well that is my week -- hope that you all had a good week and that you will have a good week this coming week. Make it point to give someone a smile to make their day. You never know that might be the only smile they get all day. Go that extra mile. Next Sunday is Palm Sunday and I would really like to be able to go to church but I don't want to do anything that I shouldn't do.

Until next week,



Sunday, March 22, 2009

day 191 after transplant


This has been an interesting week. I feel good with a lot of energy. I still do everything fast!

Monday morning Rodney left early for work and he worked his way to Richmond to spend the night. He had an early Tuesday morning meeting. This is the first time that I have been by myself all night since I started my journey. I felt a little nervous but I got a long fine. I had an appointment at AMC to see the doctor and get blood work. The doctor is very pleased the way things are going. Ryan and Jennifer had me down for dinner and it was good to be spoiled by my kids. The meal was delicious. Rodney needed some typing done so I stayed up until 12:30am and worked on that.

On Tuesday spent the day going through some things cleaning out and throwing away. Rodney got home safely and the weather was nice so we walked the neighborhood. It was so nice to get out and walk. Mary Glover called to get an update so see how I am doing so she  could tell the UMW (church womens' group) tonight at their meeting. She is such a special lady.

On Wednesday I did more cleaning out and Sharon Buckner stopped by. She is one of my faithful framing customers. I have a list of faithful customers that are patiently waiting until I can get back down to the shop - that will be so good.

Thursday I had to go to the dentist for my cleaning. I had to get permission from Dr. McCarty first and I had to take some very strong antibiotics on Wed, Thurs and Friday. I called the dentist office to let them know that I could not be in the waiting room so they took me through the service entrance. The hygienist wanted to do a probe to check my gums and I told her that no "we weren't going to do that" . "We" were going to do as little probing as possible so as not to stir up a lot of bacteria. Just clean my teeth and see if I have any cavities. She couldn't believe that I can't floss because that stirs up bacteria. She just didn't understand how careful I have to be because my immune system is low. She did clean my teeth very gently and didn't make my gums bleed and I don't have any cavities. Got to walk again this evening when Rodney came home.

Friday Doris Graham stopped by for a visit and brought me some books to read for the UMW reading program. One is about the Amish and the killing at the school -- I can't wait to read that. We had a nice visit. Took Rodney's mother to Wal-Mart.

Saturday is our cleaning day and I got my Easter decorations out and cleaned up down stairs. Gregg and Barbara Kiracofe (friends from church) came up in the evening so Rodney could show Gregg how to use his new GPS. We had a good visit. Evelyn Bland (friend from church) called and said that she was sorry that she hadn't call sooner but that she has been praying for me everyday.

Today was a day that Rodney and I could just spend together. It was a beautiful day and we rode around just to see the blooming flowers and how things are coming alive.

Tuesday I go to MCV and the day that I have my next bone barrow biopsy.  I am not really looking forward to that but it will be ok. Rodney is taking the day off and taking me down. If you will remember to say a a prayer for me about 11am on Tuesday that would be very appreciated. I truly believe that there is power in prayer.

Well that was my week. I hope that you all had a good week and that you will have a good week this week.

Write to you next week,



Sunday, March 15, 2009

day 184 addition

The map didn't work the way I hoped -- it cut off the eastern US. My tech support is already in bed (Scott or Ryan). Will try again next week.




day 184 after transplant

Well this has been another week of crazy weather. Last Sunday it was 70 degrees and by Friday we woke up to 2 inches of snow. Saturday and today it was cool and rainy.

Monday was a day that I spent on the phone getting a lot of loose ends tied up with work and getting all our tax papers together for our tax man. That is something that I always drag my feet on. Glad that it is done.

Tuesday I had to go to MCV. Dennis and Shirley took me and we had a wonderful day together. Shirley got to go back with me and see how they access my port. Shirley could not believe how caring and friendly all the nurses were. She said on the way home that I could tell her all day about how nice they are but until you see it for yourself you just wouldn't believe it. She said that I truly do have a new family at MCV. A lot of the nurses that took care of me while I was in the hospital was working in the clinic today. It was just like a reunion. They couldn't believe how much weight that I lost. I got to see Dr. McCarty (he is the head of the three doctors) and when he saw my back and chest and saw that they had cleared up but my face was still red and blotchy he suspected something else. He had a dermatologist paged. He said that I had rosacea (like acne under the skin that spreads out under the skin instead of forming pimples) and he wanted to know that he was treating it properly. He ordered me some cream to put on twice a day. He said that it could take up to six weeks to see any difference. I have noticed some difference already.

Scott called this evening and said that he was in the ER with Grady getting stitches. Go to the NC Hildebrand at the right side of my blog and read the entire story, All I can say is that a guardian angel was with him that it wasn't any worst. He is doing fine now.

Wednesday I found out a date for my next bone marrow biopsy -- March 24. Rodney is taking the day off to take me because he said that he wanted to be there to hold my hand. This will be the first time that he has been there at MCV for my biopsy.

Thursday Pastor Peggy came for a visit. I sure enjoyed her visit. The weather was warm enough for me to walk so when Rodney got home we walked our subdivision. They are calling for snow tomorrow!

Friday we woke up to 2 inches of snow. It was not on the roads but the trees and ground was covered. It was beautiful. I went with Rodney most of the day. It was nice to spend the day together. We both packed our lunch and ate in the car. He dropped me off at home and he had other cars to look at. Ryan,Jennifer and Granny came up for the evening. I tell you that these steroids really have me pumped and I do everything fast!

Saturday was rainy and cool. A day for cleaning and doing the laundry. We got a lot done. Went to the grocery store and to pick up my meds.

Sunday it was another rainy day and a day that we spent together. Sure do miss going to church but we listened to a service on the radio. Not the same but will have to do for now.

That is about it for the week. I go to AMC tomorrow afternoon and Rodney is off for Richmond for a meeting on Tuesday. This will be the first that I will be by myself all night since my transplant. Ryan will on on call just incase I need something.

Take care and will write again next week. Have a wonderful week and remember to smile and make someone's day. You may be the only Bible that some one reads.



Scott gave me an update on the # that has checked my blog as of 3/14: 15479! How awesome!  The map shows "hits" I'm getting.


Sunday, March 8, 2009

day 177 after transplant


Hello everyone,

Seems like a long time since I have been in touch with you.

What a wild week for the weather- Monday 4 degrees for the low and snow and by the end of the week it is in the 70's! WOW! If you don't like the weather just stick around and it will change.

Monday we woke up to 3 inches snow (other places in our county had 6 inches). Schools closed. Rodney's appointment with his dermatologist was canceled. He told the person that called that he would really like to be seen because of the place on his arm. She said to call back around noon to see if the doctor may be there. Meanwhile  I called my ride to AMC and told them thanks but Rodney would be able to take me to my appointment. At 8:00 a.m.  I called the Hope Center at AMC and they were closed for the day so I didn't have to go to my appointment either. At noon Rodney called his doctor and she said to come on in. He had several pre-cancerous places and his ears,face, arm and hands. She "froze" the places. I am so glad that he is catching these places before they turn into something bad. God has answered another prayer.

Tuesday I went with Rodney to his arthritis doctor and he put him back on anti-inflammatory meds. He wants him to get his hands and feet x-rayed to see what is going on. Rodney feels comfortable with that. Since being on the med his wrist is more flexible and he seems to be in less pain. He needs to walk and now that warm weather will be here we can get back on a walking schedule.

Jennifer, the teacher that I work with came by for a visit and it was so good to see her. We have worked together for nine years and we have become "jointed at the hip"! I think she misses me as much as I miss being there. I kept her organized.

On Thursday I had to go to AMC. Rodney took me and he got his x-rays while I saw Donna the nurse pract. She was so pleased with my progress. They did blood work and as I was finishing up Rodney walked through the door- perfect timing.

Friday the weather was in the high 60's and we walked the sub-division and it was good to be out in the fresh air. Pastor Peggy called to set up a time to visit me next week. it will be good to see her.

Saturday evening Dad and Corinne took Rodney to a big oyster,turkey, and ham buffet given by a local Ruritan  Club (they have these to raise money for their club). I was so glad that he got to go to get some good oysters - which he really likes and I don't. Dad, Corinne and friend Mary Sue came in for a visit and it was good. While they were out eating I went through some recipes that I have been collecting for years. I have a very large tub full of them (when I say large I'm not kidding). I collected the recipes long before computers had web-sites with all kinds of recipes. I have decided to just get rid of them and get them off of the computer whenever I need a new recipe- saves a lot of space!

Well, that brings me to today. The weather was partly cloudy but it was in the 70's. We went for a ride just to be out and enjoy God's creation. Winter seems to be a time when everything is drab and brown but when the warm weather comes you see things starting to look green and alive again. We saw daffodils blooming.

As far as my eating goes, it is getting better. I can tolerate a few more things. I was able to eat a hot dog but I am still sticking to baked potatoes, cottage cheese, and yogurt. I am maintaining my weight. I sure don't want to lose anymore. I go to MCV on Tuesday and I am hoping for a good report.

Well, I guess that does it for my week. I hope that you have had a good one. Everyday that we can touch the floor when we get out of bed in the morning is a good day. Be sure to smile and make someone's day.

Take care,



Sunday, March 1, 2009

day 170 after transplant


Need to add to blog.

For anyone that is interested in seeing the article "Life Throws You Curves and Then Grades You On It" you can see it on  It is in the Saturday magazine section- half way down the page - right above the wedding advertisement.

Hope that you will take the time to read it.



day 170 after transplant


Hello everyone,

Today has been a mix bag of weather, woke up to snow. It was pretty on the ground-didn't lay on the roads. It is suppose to snow tonight and early in the morning and the temperature in the 20's. I have an appointment at AMC ( Fishersville) tomorrow. Rodney has a doctor appointment that I definitely don't want him to miss with the dermatitis. He has a place on his arm that we are concerned with so say a prayer that it is nothing but if it is it is caught in time. Since I do not drive in bad weather our neighbor across the street is going to take me (thanks Travis).

On Tuesday Rodney is going to his arthritis doctor. His arthritis is really kicking butt. He has been under a lot of stress with all he has had to do to help me. I pray that the doctor can recommend something that will get him straightened out (and not injections). Please say a prayer for him about this also.

Now about my week. Monday started out going to MCV. They did blood work and Dr. Toor put me on some new meds for the Graft vs. Host and it is suppose to reduce my immune system so I have to be really careful again. I was getting to the point where I was feeling comfortable doing more things and now I have to do things like I did when I first left the hospital. I have been warned to stay away from ANYONE that is sick. The flu is really rampant and very dangerous for me. I feel fine and the rash is still a little red on my face but chest and back is not red. The steroids are giving me super energy -- I do everything fast! My appetite is doing a little better. I only lost one pound this week. I bought some dress slacks and I got size 6 and 8! Can't believe it.

On Wednesday I had a really nice visit with Shirley Hohenstein. I was good to hear about things going on at Sunday School. We sure do miss being there. She is such a special lady that is so strong in her faith and that helps me.

On Thursday I went to AMC to get blood work and get my stitches out.

Friday Scott and family came home. Went to Dad's for dinner and then the kids stayed with Ryan and Jennifer for the night. We all got together on Sat. for breakfast and I noticed that Libby was coughing and had a little runny nose. That made me very uncomfortable and I had to make a very hard decision and asked them to leave. They understood completely and left quickly. Maybe it was for the best because of the bad weather that we got. Even though their stay was cut short we still had quality time together and we shared three really good meals together. It is such a blessing to have such understanding kids.

Today we went to Costco and a lady (a teacher in the county) noticed my mask and she asked me if I had gone through chemo and I explained to what I had gone through. She was in tears. Both she and her husband have gone through cancer. She said that she would pray for me. God plants angels all around us.

Well that pretty much sums of my week. I feel fine and would welcome any healthy visitors, but please call first.

One more thing. Anyone interested, there is a good article by Jim Bishop in Saturday's  Daily News Record on page E2. It talks about life throwing you curves and how to deal with them. It really hits home with me. I have had several "bumps" in the road of life but with the help of God and loving family and friends the "bumps" in my life just made my faith and strength in God stronger. I have felt comfort knowing that God was and is always with me.

Take care. Be careful as you travel tomorrow. Just looked outside and it is really snowing. The ground is covered again.

Until next week,

Love, Gloria