Thursday, October 2, 2008

day 20 after transplant

Good evening to all!

What a busy but wonderful day I had. Got up at 7:45 and had breakfast. Rodney did laundry and ran the dishwasher -- he is really becoming domesticated! He cleaned the bathroom and kitchen.
At least I got to fold the clean clothes and empty the clean dishes from the dishwasher. I feel helpless.

It was wonderful to have the day off from the clinic so we found a mall to go to. It was a nice day to walk the outside and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. After we got back to the hotel Rodney had some work to do so I went to bed to rest.

Rodney fixed dinner and now we are relaxing and enjoying each others company.

I have to be at the clinic tomorrow at 10:30 so I won't stay up late tonight. Praying for a good report at the clinic tomorrow. I have been a good girl and I have been drinking, drinking, and drinking. I feel like a fish!

Thanks again to everyone for all your cards, support and especially your prayers.
God is so good to bless me with all of you to be there for support.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you and Rodney had such a nice day together. Husbands do come through with the housework when they need to. Good luck with the lab work tomorrow.