Tuesday, December 16, 2008

day 95 after transplant


Hello everyone,

I understand that the weather is cold with ice and sleet. It was cold here today too with rain. It was 30 degrees cooler today than yesterday.

I had to go to the clinic fasting early this morning. After my labs were done I got a small bag of magnesium and saline and I got to talk to the nurse pract. She was very pleased with all of my labs. She made an appointment for me for next Tuesday for another bone marrow biopsy (90 day out). She wanted me to wait until I came back from Christmas but I told her that I didn't want to wait-- I want to be able to enjoy my Christmas and not worry about having to come back for that. I promised her that I would not go home for 24 hours after the test-- that means I will be coming home on Christmas Eve. Dr. McCardy said that after the biopsy and the results come back he will sit down with me and tell me the game plan. That sounds good to me.

At the clinic today they changed my hickman line dressing. The solution that they have been using for cleaning the area burned like fire. When I got back to the hotel it was still burning real bad, I looked at it in the mirror and it was really red, I called the clinic and they wanted me to come back in to check it. They don't want my skin to blister because that would be open to infection. When I went back they cleaned it as best as they could and put several layers of gauze pads on it and they said not to get it dirty or wet. I have to go back early tomorrow to have it checked again. It is still burning pretty bad. They said that sometime after so long cleaning with this solution my skin may have become sensitive to it. I think that after the biopsy the hickman line will be taken out anyway. I will still have my port for them to draw labs and etc.

I lost another 3 pounds since last week and I told them that I was going to fill my pockets with rocks so they wouldn't be upset with me!

Take care and be careful tomorrow with the sleet and ice.



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