Saturday, November 29, 2008

day 78 after transplant

Hello everyone !

This morning was sunny but it got cloudy this afternoon. It was cool but pleasant to be out. We went to a mall hoping that it wouldn't be super crowded but it was pretty crowded. It was getting really crowded when we left.

When we got back we watched the Virginia vs Tech game while we ate lunch. We had a lot of paper work to do so we sit down to do that for several hours.

I go to clinic tomorrow. I hope that it will be good but I have not had an appetite and have been kind of sick to my stomach. I don't know what that is all about but I hope that it will be an easy fix. Rodney leaves tomorrow and Hazel Beasley will be my caregiver for the week.

I can't believe that Monday will be December. Sorry that Hazel and I will not be able to be at the UMW Christmas Party on Monday. We will be thinking about you all. Also am sorry that Rodney and I won't be at our SS Class Christmas party -- we always have a lot of fun. Please let us know who gets the gag gift this year.

Take care,
Love to all,

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