Monday, November 24, 2008

day 73 after transplant

Hello to all,

I hope that it is just raining at home, not snowing! It has been cold but sunny today until this evening and now it is raining. I hear that W VA is going to get more snow.

Ryan and I didn't go anywhere today. We started putting another puzzle together -- one of NY city skyline. He has worked really hard on it today. He also washed my bed linens today and fixed some bar-b-que for dinner.

Tomorrow is the big day at the clinic-- biospy day at 10. Please say a prayer for me. This one will be the 5th one that I have had (the 2nd one here at VCU) and they all felt different. I just pray that the results will be good and that things are moving like they are suppose to be. I won't know anything for a week. I still don't have much of an appetite but at least my stomach isn't hurting like it did last week. I hope that changing my meds did the trick.

One day closer to Thanksgiving and I hope that if you are traveling that you will make it safely to your destination. The roads are suppose to be very busy on Wednesday. If you are staying home have a wonderful day with family. Go to bed early so you can get up early for Black Friday specials!

Take care,

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