Thursday, November 13, 2008

day 61 after transplant

Hello everyone,

I just finished watching the Tech game. They came up just a little bit short tonight. Sorry Tech fans.

Got up really early this morning to get ready for the clinic. It was cloudy but not bad for November. I had to go fasting for blood work. They were checking my sodium and glucose level. While I was waiting on the results to come back I was given saline and magesium. The nurse pract. came in to talk to me. She said that they think the reason my electrolytes are messed up is because of some of the meds that I am on. They are just going to watch me for a while. My white and red blood cells are increasing so they feel like the bone marrow is taking effect. She said that if anything was wrong rest assured that the doctors would be in there in an instant.
I don't have to be back at the clinic until Monday. If anyone would like to come for a visit just call me on my cell phone(421-8551). Please make sure that you are free of colds, etc.. It would be nice to see some new faces.

My bone marrow biospy date has changed to November 25th at 10. Now I have another week to think about it. Just say a prayer for me at this time. I know God will be there with His strong arms around me. That is a great comfort to know.

I didn't get out of the clinc until 12 and it was almost 1:00 when we got to the hotel. I didn't have anything to eat since last night at dinner. I was hungry. I ate a bowl of chicken noodle soup because it was raining and raw when we got out of clinic. It was a nasty afternoon so we started to put a puzzle together. I always thought that the cardinal was a beautiful bird but that was before I had to put one together today! We didn't get it finished so we will work on it again tomorrow. Suppose to be another rainy day.

Rodney got here at 6 this evening . He will leave early in the morning and then turn around and come back tomorrow evening for the weekend. In the next couple of weeks Richmond will be decorated for Christmas. That will be something new to see. I will be here for the big Christmas parade but I doubt if it would be a good idea for me to go. Too many people and it might be too cold. I am anxious to see all the high risers decorated with lights on.

It is time for me to quit for the night.

Take care and God bless all of you,

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