Friday, November 7, 2008

day 55 after transplant

Good evening !

Today was an early day at the clinic and we still didn't get back to the hotel until noon. Things went well at the clinic. I got my usual saline and magesium. They said that everything looked good. I don't have to go back until Monday at 3 pm.

It was a beautiful day. Nice and warm and sunny. Not like a normal November day but that could change in a hurry. We rode on Route 5 to see some of the historical plantations around Richmond. The prettiest one we saw was The Shirley Plantation. We didn't go in because they didn't have paved side walks. A lot of the buildings were in the grass and I can't go on the grass.
We went almost to Williamsburg. It was nice to be out for a while.

Came back and Dad and Corinne packed up to leave and when they knew that Rodney was close by they left so it wouldn't be so late for them to get back. It was nice to see Rodney.

I hope that tomorrow will be nice and we can explore more of Richmond. I know that the weekend will go by fast. But I am so glad that the time is going by fast.

You all have a wonderful weekend. I sure miss being there and being able to get out in the flowerbeds and walking the neighborhood. Soon !!!

Take care,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Glad to hear you are getting along so well. It is amazing how things work you've been given an opportunity to see the "cool" sites around Richmond. We live so close and most likely most of us have not been to visit them. Enjoy your time there as you heal. Bridgewater will be here when you get back.

Take care,
Scott & Lisa Kiracofe