Wednesday, November 26, 2008

day 75 after transplant

Hello to everyone,

DAY 75! Yeah!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. Today was another day at the clinic. I don't think that I like being out of isolation. Two of the people I was in the room with threw up. I felt so bad for them. I know that they didn't want to throw up in front of everybody. I praise God that I do not feel bad and that everything seems to be going well. We'll know more after the results of the biospy comes back next week. I don't go back to the clinic until Sunday.

Today was another cool day. It was warm in the sun but cool in the shade. Ryan left at 3:30 and he didn't even get to Richmond (about 6 miles) before he was in slow traffic. It was crowded until he got out out of Richmond. Rodney is here with me now until Sunday and then Hazel will be here for the week.

John Miers and his son came by this evening. He works with Rodney and it was nice to meet someone who works with Rodney. He brought me some books about the Civil War. I didn't use to like history but now I find it very interesting. I just finished my Big Read book (Tom Sawyer) and now I can start these books. Thanks, John.

Rodney and I are going to watch the Macy's Day Parade-- I have never been able to sit down and watch it because I was always fixing lunch. It is going to be a quiet day for us. The kids are coming down on Friday and we will celebrate Rod's birthday and Thanksgiving.

Take care,
Love to all,

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