Wednesday, September 24, 2008

day 12 after transplant

Hello to all,

Today I got up and rode my bike and took my shower and got my meds. They are wanting to wean me off of this food in a bag so they want me to eat more solid food. I really do not have an appetite but this morning for breakfast I ate one small pancake and jello. Well that didn't stay down very long ! I had hot tea which tasted good and helped to soothe my throat.

I got a large stack of cards again today -- thanks to everyone.

This afternoon the doctors came in and said that my white blood count was 2 yesterday and today it is 4! I don't know what is normal -- I will ask them tomorrow. I told them that I was riding my bike and thinking how I could get out of here and one the nurses said to tie really tight square knots in sheets (Iam on the 10th floor). After they left I saw these two ropes swing in front of my windows and the next thing I see is a man swinging and trying to put a suction cup on my window --- thought they were coming to get me but he was washing the windows. Boy I wouldn't want that job.

Most of the afternoon I read a book and took a nap. I felt pretty lazy but I am trying to get over this influenza. I would like to be able to walk the halls but I have to stay in the room with the door shut.

Several people called and it was good to hear their voice and to talk to them.

That takes care of my exciting day.

Thanks for your continued support and prayers and calls and cards. God hasn't brought me this far to leave me now -- He will see me all the way through.

Love to all,

1 comment:

Barb K said...

Hey There!
I just wanted you to know that I have already gotten several positive R.S.V.P's re the class at church. All systems go!!
You sound very upbeat as usual. Hang in there. It's cloudy and windy here today. Gabriel is asleep on the couch...I think I'll join him here shortly!
Miss seeing you at church. Please know that you are always in our thoughts and prayers.
Love, Gregg and Barb