Friday, September 12, 2008

Day 1 after transplant

Gloria had a pretty good morning, rode her bike for 10 minutes, etc. Blood work done early, & Dr. McCardy was in & said every thing was going as planned, but that her blood platlets were down, & she would need a platlet transfusion to boost that up. Prior to her transplant, needing a transfusion was not a real good thing, but now post-transplant, it is a good thing, according to the Dr. & she will probably need some red blood transfusions also, which will also be expected & not a problem. This is way over my head---thats why he's the doctor !!! Gloria was "perky" this am, but after transfusion they gave her some meds & she slept sound from 11:50 till 4pm, & since then she's only been awake for maybe an hour total---we watched some of the news to keep up-dated on "Ike" moving in on Texas. She's curled up in a ball on the bed, snoozing away now. She has not been eating much for last two days--- a piece of toast, Jello, & popsicles yesterday & just a little Jello & 2 popsicles today. This also was expected. They will start feeding her thru IV tomorrow. She still looks fine---just sleepy---chemo pulled her down. Thanks for checking the blog, & for your concern & prayers. Rod.


John Miers said...

The photo is great! Seeing you on the exercise bike helps us all breathe easier knowing you're on your way to recovery. Hang in there, and you'll be back in the valley just in time to see the leaves turn.
John Miers

PCox said...

So glad everything's going according to plan. Gloria, you have nothing else to do but doze, exercise, and eat a little now and then--just let yourself heal in good time. Rodney, unless you've gone on the same diet as Gloria, we'd like to have you over for supper one night next week when you're in town. Please give us a call.
Love you both,
Pam & Denny