Monday, January 19, 2009

day 129 after transplant


Hello everyone,

Today it snowed and then the sun came out and it all went away. Even though we just had a dusting it still caused quite a few traffic accidents (job security for Rodney) and our schools closed at 12:30 today. It was beautiful coming down but didn't last long enough.

I guess tomorrow is the big day for America. I plan on watching some of the Inauguration. I just pray that everything will go smooth and everyone will be safe.

Today I tried on some of my clothes to see what fits me now. The ones I wore in August are way too big and the ones I couldn't wear before August (years ago) fit or are too big also !!! I still can not find something that really tastes good to me. Today I made potato cheddar cheese soup and I ate it but it didn't taste like what potato soup use to. I have to just keep trying. Rodney got me mint choc. chip ice cream and it tasted cold -- nothing else and that is my favorite flavor of ice cream !!

Take care.



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