Wednesday, January 14, 2009

day 124 after transplant


Hello to everyone,

Today was COLD but it sounds like it will be getting even colder! I think that I will stay in as much as I can. I do have to go to the clinic in Richmond Friday morning.

Thanks to everyone who has so generously offered to take me to my appointments. I will try to get a schedule this Friday while I am at the clinic. It might be just like when I was in Richmond -- days at the clinic will depend on what my lab work is like. I pray that it will all be well. I still do not have any appetite-- I fixed b-b-q for dinner this evening. It was all I could do to get it down -- I mixed it with some mashed potatoes.

I did get out today -- I rode with Rodney to Mt. Jackson, Woodstock and Luray. It was good to get out and ride with him. I was ready to get back home and rest this afternoon. 

Take care. Remember to pray for the Shinaberry family -- Maddie (freshman in high school) had a lung transplant last night. Last report the surgery went well. Pray for a full recovery for her. Also for Larry Campbell ( like a brother to me growing up) he is preparing for a kidney transplant. Next for Karen Ridder as she is going through breast cancer. We never know what life will bring us but we are never alone, God is always there for us and it is also comforting to know that we have so many people out there praying and supporting us all the way. Thank you.



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