Saturday, January 17, 2009

day 127 after transplant


Hello everyone,

Again, I have to start this blog off with a BURRRRRR !!!!!!! It was minus three degrees when we woke up this morning! It was really cold all day (the high was 20 degrees). Rodney and I stayed in all day-- we did laundry and cleaned the house. Hopefully it will not be so cold in the morning and the rest of the week.

Ryan and Jennifer came up for a while this evening. It was nice to visit with them. They were tired after serving spaghetti at the mission group supper this evening at the church.

I think that Rodney might be getting a cold - he has been sneezing and blowing his nose at times today. Please pray that he is not getting a cold because I can't be around ANYONE that has a cold or some kind of a bug. A little cold for him might be something really bad for me.

Take care and stay in where it is warm.

Love to all,


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