Saturday, February 7, 2009

day 147 and 148


Hello to all,

I did not blog last night because there was not much to blog about! Today is not much better -- but it was warm enough outside for me to take a walk! I didn't make it as far as I was hoping but I know that I will have to work up to it. There was a lot of people outside doing yard work and walking. Haven't seen that for a long time. Tomorrow is suppose to be even nicer.

There is still a lot of flu and colds around. I called Barb and Gregg to come up tonight and they both are fighting colds. They didn't think that would be a good idea to come up. I talked to Ryan last night and he said that Jennifer has been fighting a cold all week. I think that Rodney and I are going to watch a movie tonight. Rodney did a lot of work today -- laundry and cleaning. He has been terrific doing all the things that I use to do. Hope that soon I will be able to do some of my share.

Take care,



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