Sunday, April 12, 2009

day 212 after transplant


Hello, to everyone!

HAPPY EASTER TO ALL. Hope that you had a good week and that you are looking forward to going back to work or school this week. I know that I am ready for some warm weather -- it was sunny today but the air was cool, it was 27 degrees when we got up at 7 this morning.

I had a very good week. It started out a little slow but it ended very good. Just ordinary things on Monday and Tuesday I was here all day and evening by myself-- Rodney had a class Tuesday evening. I still have a runny nose and Rodney is congested on his chest, we still think that it is allergies. Hope to be able to hold out until Thursday when I have to go to clinic.

Wednesday was very cool and I just stayed in and cleaned out my cardstock closet. Got things ready to go to MCV tomorrow.

Thursday left for MCV at 8:15-- Barbara Hite neighbor up the street took me. We had a good day. I got blood work done and then got to see Dr. McCarty. He was very pleased with the results of my biopsy and blood work. Praise the Lord. He said that he knew I was tired of just staying in the house and that I was probably wanting to get out and do more but he said that now is the time I need to be patient. He is slowly taking me off of my prednisone and tac and that if I did something to bring on G vs H again I would have to go back on the meds again and next time it would take longer to get off of them. One thing about the G vs H it can come back different ways (not just a rash on your back or chest) but it could attack any organ. He wants me to have a pulmonary test the next time I go to the clinic. There will be some new tests that I will have to have now that I am 6 months out. Fun, fun!

Friday I did some sewing for Jennifer-- she had some curtains that she asked me to make. Boy, it sure felt good to get behind the machine again. Rodney even said that he was glad to see me at the machine again. Ryan spent the evening with us, Jennifer had a baby shower for one of her friends and Ryan said that he didn't want to be there with all the "hens"! We enjoyed his company.

Saturday morning Scott, Beth, Grady and Libby came up for the night. It was good to see them. We celebrated Easter on Saturday evening. We watched the movie "Bolt" with the kids-- it was a cute movie.

Today we went to see Rodney's aunt and then Scott left and we felt a little down because things were so quiet. We really had a good time with the kids. Libby loves bugs and she got a bug park for Easter! She was outside all morning looking for bugs to put in her bug park. Grady rode the big wheel down the hill.

Well that was my week. I really wanted to go to church this morning but the doctor said no not yet.

I pray that you all had a good week and that you spent it at church today. The reason for Easter is not the visit from the bunny but that God gave up His only Son for us. To save us from our sins. Now have a wonderful week and I will check in next week.

Love to all,


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