Sunday, August 2, 2009

day 323 after transplant


Hello everyone, it’s Sunday night again!

My goodness how the week’s fly by. It is already August and before long the kids will be back in school. Things have been very quiet here this week with not grandkids around- boy I miss them.

Tuesday was my birthday and I had a wonderful day. I want to thank everyone who called or sent me a card. Dad and Corinne took Rod and me to Red Lobster for dinner. Like Ryan said, “It’s not too many people that have 2 birthdays!” I can’t believe that it will soon be a year since my transplant. Last year this time I was full of questions and wondering when and what was going to happen. God has been so good to Rodney and me.

The weather was so nice this week that I tried to get out and walk early in the morning. It was so refreshing.We did get some much needed rain today.

Yesterday we got 5 dozen ears of corn and put in the freezer. I have never seen such nice ears of corn. We weighed one that had been shucked and it weighed one pound! I know that we will enjoy it this winter.

Today after church we visited Rodney’s aunt at the nursing home and then we ran some errands. We went looking for a gas grill (ours died last week when we tried to grill when the kids were home). Instead we got a new burner and installed it this afternoon and now we have heat! I am anxious to do some grilling now.

I did develop a cough the first of the week and I called MCV on Tuesday before it got any worse. They said that they would talk to the doctor and call me back. I didn’t hear anything from them. I never had a temperature, just a cough. I thought that it was really strange that they didn’t call back. Then on Friday evening I was reprogramming my cell phone and there was a message from MCV(left on Tuesday)!!! The doctor wanted me to go to see my local family doctor and then he called in a z-pack for me. By then I was better(thank goodness). I go for my monthly checkup on Wednesday. I hope that they will say that everything is still on schedule.

Well that is about it for my week and I hope that you all have a wonderful and safe week.



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