Thursday, November 27, 2008

day 76 after transplant

Happy Thanksgiving to all,

Hope you didn't eat too much turkey but you had a good time with family. Rodney and I went to Shirley Plantation and to Berkley Plantation. They were not open but at the Berkley we at least got to walk down to the James River. It was a really nice day and tomorrow is suppose to be nice also.

Scott called this afternoon and said that Grady is running a temperature again so I didn't want to take a chance on getting a setback. I want to get home for Christmas. They are not coming and I am really disappointed but at least Ryan, Jennifer and Rodney's mother are coming down. Scott was bringing the turkey so I don't know what we are going to have now but we will find something.

We got to watch the Macy's Day parade and that is something that we usually don't do. We saw JMU's marching band(for about 30 seconds). We watched part of the Dallas football game.

Take care,

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