Saturday, November 1, 2008

day 49 after transplant

Good evening everyone!

Today was just a lazy day for Rodney and me. We got up at 8 so I could take my meds on time and then we had breakfast and got a little paper work done. Rodney did my laundry. We watched the UVA football game. Went into over time and UVA lost. Oh well, that's why there is next week I guess. Wish I could have been home to see last night's TA vs Broadway game. I heard that it was a really nice night for a football game.

It was a beautiful day here - in the 70's. We rode around Richmond and saw the new $104 million renovation of the State Capital. It was really pretty -- our tax dollars at work. We stopped by CVS and picked up some meds. and then to the grocery store to pick up a few things.

Came back to the hotel and ate dinner and showered and watched part of another football game. Not real exciting but we just enjoyed some time together. It was very tempting for Rodney to drive on up to B'water so I could see the house but we thought that might not be a very good idea.

Beth is coming tomorrow to be my caregiver for the week. I am looking forward to spending some time with my daughter-in-law. Pray that she has a safe drive here. I hope that Grady and Libby will not miss their mommy too much. At least they will have their daddy with them.

Have a wonderful day at church tomorrow- sure do miss being there. I am almost 1/2 way to the 100 day mark. It really has gone by fast but now that the holidays are just around the corner I would like to be home. I can hardly believe that it is already November. If Nov. goes by as fast as Sept. and Oct. I'll be home before I know it.

God Bless all of You,

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