Saturday, November 15, 2008

day 64 after transplant


We woke up to rain today. I woke up several times during the night and heard it raining. The weather man said that they got over an inch of rain. Late morning the sun came out and it was 77 degrees. Tomorrow it is suppose to be sunny but a lot cooler.

After breakfast Rodney did laundry and cleaned the room. We went out just to get out and we just drove around Chesterfield. We were going to go to the Veterans Hospital and walk the track but the wind was blowing pretty hard and the leaves were blowing around. Didn't need to take a chance on getting some kind of infection.

Tomorrow Ryan and Jennifer are coming down and Jennifer is staying here with me all week.

After dinner I finished the puzzle! I didn't know if I had enough patience or not but I stuck it out and got it done. Then we watched a movie tonight.

Everything is going well and everyday is one day closer to B'water. I can hardly believe that November is half way over. I guess that the auction at church is this Saturday. Wish we could be there. Hope that you have a lot to auction off and that it will be a big success.

Take care and I miss everyone. See you soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you finished the puzzle. Corinne and Bob said they enjoyed their time with you. Brad and I continue to fight colds, but seems like everyone has one. Brad and Devin headed to DC for the Washington/Dallas game tonight, too cold for me!!! We are glad that you are over half way through. You will be home before you know it. I don't know if Corinne told you, but, we are having the whole Mayes family Thanksgiving at our house this year. Scarey thought when I have never cooked a turkey before. Mom and dad are going to come here on Tuesday and stay through Thursday. It should be a lot of fun. We are looking forward to our first Thanksgiving at our house and our new son in law being present. Stay positive and we will pray for your speedy recovery.
Love, Valerie and Brad