Friday, October 31, 2008

day 48 after transplant

Good evening everyone!

Today was a beautiful day. The weather was so nice that I got to go outside to walk. It felt really good to be out. I had the day off from clinic and we got laundry done. Seems like that is all we get done, but when you have to do linens every other day and then my clothes it takes a while.

Dad and Corinne left this evening after Rodney got here. It was good to spend time with my Dad and Corinne but it was nice to see Rodney too.

I think that graft vs host disease is coming on my left leg. It is like I have a suntan on my leg except for the place where they grafted skin last year. It just started today. It may be nothing but I have to let them know if there is anything different at any time. We want a mild case so we know that the marrow transplant is doing what it is suppose to be doing.

I hope that all of you had a fun and safe Halloween and second reminder to set your clocks back one hour on Sat. night before you go to bed.

Well, I have to get my pills together for tomorrow and then go to bed.

Have a wonderful weekend,
Love to all.


Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween Gloria!
Did you get to wear your witch hat today? I hope so! How exciting that you have the whole weekend off. Rest up and enjoy your time with Rodney. Love you!


Anonymous said...

It was so good to talk to you yesterday on the phone. I agree with the "kids"....I think you will be home by Christmas! You keep "drinking" and resting and we'll keep praying and we will have you home in time to see Mr. Claus come down the chimney!
Talk to you soon!
Love and Hugs, Barb K