Wednesday, September 15, 2010

day 4 after 2 year birthday


Greetings to all,

Thanks for being patient with me. This summer has been a whirlwind but it has been  hot and dry but a good one.

I spent two weeks in Alaska(it was awesome) and one week at the beach. I spent a week with the grandchildren. After I got back from Alaska my computer went on the blink and I had to get a new one and it took a while to get it going again.

Last Saturday was our 39th wedding anniversary, Rodney’s 38th year with the Travelers and MY 2ND BIRTHDAY!!!! Things are going well. I went to the obgyn and before he would release me for me 5 year check up he wanted me to have a MRI – got the results back today and ALL is good (praise God). I went to MCV yesterday for blood work,bone marrow biopsy and a bone density test (boy that was not fun. The doctor was wonderful but she could not find a soft spot and she had to stick me 4 or 5 times. She was sweating and I was praying for a soft spot). The bone density test was good.

Lois a good long time friend took me to MCV and we had a good day together—thanks Lois. More good news is that I don’t have to go back for 3 months! I won’t know the results from the biopsy for a couple of weeks. My blood work was good but I won’t know if my body is ready for more shots for a while.

Hope that you all have had a good summer and are ready for the fall. I am ready for the cooler weather. We are putting a screened in porch on the back of our house and I was hoping to have it done by now but it has taken longer than I expected it to.

I will try very hard to write more often to keep you in the loop.

Take care,



Anonymous said...

That is so good to hear!!! I'm sorry the biopsy wasn't the best though. But you got through it! I praise the great Healer for your health and how He continues to shine through you!
Love you!

Bsolla said...

Hey Gloria,
It's GREAT to hear from you! My last biopsy was that way too- Did you have Mary Jo? I love her- she feels worse than I do when that happens (maybe I'm a LITTLE worse)
You're my role model, sister.

Bsolla said...

PS Happy Birthday!!!!!!!