Sunday, November 22, 2009

day 437 after transplant


Hello to everyone. Another week has passed and this week is the big TURKEY DAY !

Monday Rodney left for an over night trip to Richmond for meetings. I tried to get some things done around the house. I cleaned the house and even wrapped a few Christmas presents! I had some time to make fancy bows, other years I was doing good just to get them wrapped!

Wednesday and Friday I kept Audrey. I sure enjoy my time with her. I think that she likes spending time with me too. This week she will be four months old. Friday Ryan had his wisdom teeth removed and he has been in some pain. I pray that he will heal soon. I know that having your teeth pulled is no picnic.

Thursday night Rodney and I went to Charlottesville to see Rhonda Vincent in concert. The Paramount theater is a very old restored theater. It was beautiful and it was a good concert. We had really good seats in the balcony and away from the crowd. We didn’t get home until 12:25 am. Short night for Rodney to get up to go to work in the morning but it was worth it.

Saturday we did errands and then some work around the house. In the evening we went to another concert in Harrisonburg to see Doyle Lawson and Quick Silver (bluegrass gospel). Again we had really good seats in the balcony where very few people sat. The concert was very good.

Today we went to church and then to visit Aunt Louise. We then came home and Rodney did some woodworking (first time he has been in his shop for over a year.I know that he was glad to get down there again) and I did some sewing. It was a good day.

This week I will be busy getting ready for the kids to come home for Thanksgiving. It will be good to spend some time together. We have so much to be thankful for and I am so grateful to God for so many blessings.If you are traveling I pray for your safe journey and a blessed Thanksgiving. We sometimes feel that we have it so bad but when you look around you can see so many people worse off than you.

Write next week.

Love, Gloria

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