Sunday, March 8, 2009

day 177 after transplant


Hello everyone,

Seems like a long time since I have been in touch with you.

What a wild week for the weather- Monday 4 degrees for the low and snow and by the end of the week it is in the 70's! WOW! If you don't like the weather just stick around and it will change.

Monday we woke up to 3 inches snow (other places in our county had 6 inches). Schools closed. Rodney's appointment with his dermatologist was canceled. He told the person that called that he would really like to be seen because of the place on his arm. She said to call back around noon to see if the doctor may be there. Meanwhile  I called my ride to AMC and told them thanks but Rodney would be able to take me to my appointment. At 8:00 a.m.  I called the Hope Center at AMC and they were closed for the day so I didn't have to go to my appointment either. At noon Rodney called his doctor and she said to come on in. He had several pre-cancerous places and his ears,face, arm and hands. She "froze" the places. I am so glad that he is catching these places before they turn into something bad. God has answered another prayer.

Tuesday I went with Rodney to his arthritis doctor and he put him back on anti-inflammatory meds. He wants him to get his hands and feet x-rayed to see what is going on. Rodney feels comfortable with that. Since being on the med his wrist is more flexible and he seems to be in less pain. He needs to walk and now that warm weather will be here we can get back on a walking schedule.

Jennifer, the teacher that I work with came by for a visit and it was so good to see her. We have worked together for nine years and we have become "jointed at the hip"! I think she misses me as much as I miss being there. I kept her organized.

On Thursday I had to go to AMC. Rodney took me and he got his x-rays while I saw Donna the nurse pract. She was so pleased with my progress. They did blood work and as I was finishing up Rodney walked through the door- perfect timing.

Friday the weather was in the high 60's and we walked the sub-division and it was good to be out in the fresh air. Pastor Peggy called to set up a time to visit me next week. it will be good to see her.

Saturday evening Dad and Corinne took Rodney to a big oyster,turkey, and ham buffet given by a local Ruritan  Club (they have these to raise money for their club). I was so glad that he got to go to get some good oysters - which he really likes and I don't. Dad, Corinne and friend Mary Sue came in for a visit and it was good. While they were out eating I went through some recipes that I have been collecting for years. I have a very large tub full of them (when I say large I'm not kidding). I collected the recipes long before computers had web-sites with all kinds of recipes. I have decided to just get rid of them and get them off of the computer whenever I need a new recipe- saves a lot of space!

Well, that brings me to today. The weather was partly cloudy but it was in the 70's. We went for a ride just to be out and enjoy God's creation. Winter seems to be a time when everything is drab and brown but when the warm weather comes you see things starting to look green and alive again. We saw daffodils blooming.

As far as my eating goes, it is getting better. I can tolerate a few more things. I was able to eat a hot dog but I am still sticking to baked potatoes, cottage cheese, and yogurt. I am maintaining my weight. I sure don't want to lose anymore. I go to MCV on Tuesday and I am hoping for a good report.

Well, I guess that does it for my week. I hope that you have had a good one. Everyday that we can touch the floor when we get out of bed in the morning is a good day. Be sure to smile and make someone's day.

Take care,



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