Sunday, February 8, 2009

day 149 after transplant


Hello everyone,

It was a beautiful and warm day today. Rodney and I went for a drive just to be out to enjoy God's creation. It was nice just to be together and enjoy the day together.

I have to get up early tomorrow and go to AMC (Fishersville) to the clinic. I don't know what they will do but I am hoping that it will be a short visit. This is the clinic that is a short distant away (30 minutes) and I will go by myself. I just hope that they can do something about my lack of appetite. I was hoping that it would be better soon but it seems that it is getting worse. It is really hard trying to find something that I can eat. Rodney got me some chocolate ice cream and I could only get one bite down.

Take care and hope that you have a wonderful week.



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