Saturday, January 24, 2009

day 134 after transplant


Hello everyone,

Today was another sunny but cold day. The wind blew and it was not a day for me to be outside and walk. Sara and Bill have been gracious enough to loan me an exercise bike and to even bring it to the house. Thanks so much to you Bill and Sara.

Rodney and I did the laundry and he cleaned the house. We cooked a turkey breast-- didn't smell too bad but I haven't had the nerve to try a bite yet!

Tomorrow is my Dad's 84th birthday and we are going to go down to his house for lunch (I"ll probably take my own lunch). I always make him a jelly roll for his birthday. I didn't want to disappoint him so Rodney helped me to make him a jelly roll today. Rodney did a wonderful job cracking and separating the eggs!

We had a good day together, of course any day that Rodney and I are together is a good day. He has really been my strength and such a good caregiver. I feel so blessed.

Hope that everyone gets a chance to go to church tomorrow-- can't wait until we can go back. I was hoping that it wouldn't be very long but read in the paper today that there is still a lot of flu out there. I sure don't want to risk getting the flu.

Take care,



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