Monday, December 22, 2008

day 101 after transplant


Hello to everyone,

One more day closer to Christmas and to me going home. Hurrah !!!

I have to get up really early to go to the clinic to get my bone marrow biopsy. I will get to see the doctor and find out if and how long I get to stay at home. I will also get labs done. Hopefully they will be better and I won't have to put more rocks in my pockets. I have really tired to eat more proteins and to do everything that I am suppose to be doing. When I get back from the holidays I am praying that the results will be good and that they will have a game plan for when I get home for good.

It was really cold here today and will be even colder tomorrow morning. I can take the cold but not the snow. It can snow when I get home to stay.

I have  to take a shower and get ready for an early day at the clinic tomorrow. Dad and Corinne will go home and Rodney will come down tomorrow and then take me home on Wednesday.

Take care -- hope to see some of you later this week.

Love to all,


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