Wednesday, September 15, 2010

day 4 after 2 year birthday


Greetings to all,

Thanks for being patient with me. This summer has been a whirlwind but it has been  hot and dry but a good one.

I spent two weeks in Alaska(it was awesome) and one week at the beach. I spent a week with the grandchildren. After I got back from Alaska my computer went on the blink and I had to get a new one and it took a while to get it going again.

Last Saturday was our 39th wedding anniversary, Rodney’s 38th year with the Travelers and MY 2ND BIRTHDAY!!!! Things are going well. I went to the obgyn and before he would release me for me 5 year check up he wanted me to have a MRI – got the results back today and ALL is good (praise God). I went to MCV yesterday for blood work,bone marrow biopsy and a bone density test (boy that was not fun. The doctor was wonderful but she could not find a soft spot and she had to stick me 4 or 5 times. She was sweating and I was praying for a soft spot). The bone density test was good.

Lois a good long time friend took me to MCV and we had a good day together—thanks Lois. More good news is that I don’t have to go back for 3 months! I won’t know the results from the biopsy for a couple of weeks. My blood work was good but I won’t know if my body is ready for more shots for a while.

Hope that you all have had a good summer and are ready for the fall. I am ready for the cooler weather. We are putting a screened in porch on the back of our house and I was hoping to have it done by now but it has taken longer than I expected it to.

I will try very hard to write more often to keep you in the loop.

Take care,
