Good evening everyone,
I am going to attempt this, hope that my computer doesn’t mind! It is good to be able to blog but I am very thankful for my two “wonderful” sons that could blog for me and try to get this computer back on line.
This weekend was beautiful and we tried to be out as much as possible. Last weekend was cold and rainy and they even called for a chance of snow! We did have a killing frost so the garden is done for another year. Rodney did manage to pick a mess of green beans before the frost and boy were they yummy.
Life has been very busy but great. I have been sewing and taking care of Audrey- she is three months old today and boy has she grown. She really has a little personality now. Sometime you have to wonder what she is thinking.
Today the group that Rodney and I belong to at church was in charge of 4th Sunday Coffee so we had to be there early and then this evening we were in charge of the meal for the Wild West Fall Fest (like a Halloween party). We were planning on 150 people and only about 60 showed up. Boy did we have a lost of food leftover. Rodney and I are pretty tired now and I don’t think that we will have any trouble sleeping tonight.
Rodney is off all this week and we have a lot of things around the house to do but we do hope to get away for a day or two.
I don’t go to MCV until November 4 for a checkup. I am going down with Rodney because he has a meeting in Richmond that day. I pray for a good report. I will probably find out what shots I need to get.
That is all that I can think of to tell you at this time.
The smallest good deed is better than the grandest intention. So do a good deed, no matter how small you think that it is it will mean the world to someone.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
day 409 after transplant
Monday, October 19, 2009
Technology Trouble

Thanks for checking-in - other than my computer issues, I'm doing fine! My wonderful sons are on the case - hope to be back in action very soon. I appreciate all of your thoughts and your time in reading my blog each week.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Technical Difficulties
Sunday, October 4, 2009
day 388 after transplant
Hello to everyone,
Can you believe that another month has begun? The weather here has been perfect glorious fall days, cool at night and very comfortable in the day. Where has the summer gone?
This week started off with Audrey and me going to the doctor to get our shots! I got 2 shots and Audrey got 4 and now I can not be around her for 2 weeks!
Tuesday I went to the dentist for my bi-yearly checkup and I had to go back on Wednesday to get two fillings. I sure appreciated how accommodating everyone at the dentist office was to get me in and to take precautions. Since I was already on strong antibiotic just to get my teeth cleaned they worked me in to get my fillings done. Otherwise I would have had to get more antibiotics. It is nice that they were willing to work with me.
The rest of the week was spent sewing, cleaning the house, laundry and working outside. It was too beautiful to stay inside.
Today we went to church and then we took Aunt Louise for a ride. It was a beautiful day for her to be out.We went to the pumpkin patch and came home and decorated the outside of our house.
That takes care of my week. Next week I take Rodney in for his injection (Wed. at 12) so please say a prayer that the procedure will be quick and painless. I pray that this will help him with his pain.
Hope that everyone will have a good week and remember to be kind to everyone you meet.