Hope that you all had a good week – I did. This blog will be short tonight – I am tired and am going to bed.
Monday morning we got our sidewalks poured and they really look nice. Kept me busy all week keeping them watered down.
Wednesday I went to the eye doctor for a yearly checkup and he gave me a good report. Gave me a prescription for contacts but I have to get the ok from the doctors at MCV first.
Thursday Rodney took the day off to take me to AMC to a doctor appointment to get the results back from the bone density test. Not quit the news that I wanted but ok. The predinsone that I took for the graft vs host affected my bones but nothing to worry about. Wants to put me on a new med but again I have to get the ok from MCV. My blood work came back fine. Then I went on to UVA to see the breast cancer doctor and she was so glad to see me and said that she has wondered about me all year. She checked me and said that everything looked very well. That was an answered prayer – not that I thought anything was wrong but still nice to get a good report back from the doctor. I don’t have to go back to her for another year.
Saturday was a usual day for getting things done and today we went to church and then to see Rodney’s aunt and eat lunch with her. In the evening we had our Sunday School Class picnic (I took my own food). Had a really good evening. Jennifer asked me to babysit for a little while tomorrow afternoon. I have a lady coming to wash windows. It will be good to have clean windows again.
That takes care of my week. Hope that you have a good week until I write again. I go to MCV this Wednesday start some of my shots and then back to UVA for another doctor’s appointment. Say a prayer that I get good reports back from these appointments also. Lots of appointments to keep but I just take one at a time and then it is not quite so overwhelming.
Love, Gloria