Hello everyone!
Hope that all of you had a wonderful week. The weather has been warm and rainy this week. We had about two inches of rain. Rodney got all the planting done just in time and now they can grow. The grass is very green and it keeps Rodney busy mowing.
Memorial Day was good -- Rodney's brother, Richard and wife Sue, his mother and aunt, my Dad and Corinne, and Ryan and Jennifer came up for a cookout. I knew that I couldn't go to someone else's house so I had them here. It was a good time.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I stayed home and got some things done and read -- nothing exciting.
Friday I went to MCV for a checkup. My sister-in-law Valerie took me. We had a good day. I got some very good news. I saw Dr. Chung, he said that he was very pleased with my progress. He said that I could have fresh vegetables and fruit, if they were washed thoroughly and done at home not in a restaurant. But the best news he gave me was that I could go to church! I had to wear my mask, take hand sanitizer and stay away from people. I was so excited. Valerie and I went up to the 10th floor (where I was in the hospital for a month) and we several of the nurses that took care of me. It sure was good to see them again. They were so excited to see me and they said that they liked to see patients that are doing so well.
Saturday was beautiful and Rodney mowed and I got some house work done. In the late afternoon we went on a Road Rally in memory of J.J. Smith (a friend of Rodney's who died in a freak accident a year ago). We had never been on a road rally before but it was a lot of fun. We were given an envelope with clues in it that we had to figure out which way to go. When we got to a check point we got another envelope with clues to figure out until we got back to where we started. It took a little over an hour to complete. After everyone completed the rally we were treated with a big cookout (I went home since I couldn't eat the food and there was a large crowd there). Rodney stayed and I know that he had a good time being around a lot of guys that he hadn't seen for a long time. Denny and Pam thanks for all your hard work in making the rally very enjoyable.
Today was a BIG day for me -- after 9 months I got to go to church! It was so good to be there and to see my church family. Rodney did a wonderful job keeping people at a safe distance. After church we went to visit Rodney's aunt and then we came home to eat lunch. We fixed a salad (I was so afraid that it wouldn't taste good anymore). It was so good! This evening I ate an apple and it was ok. I have to go slow to see if my body can tolerate this kind of "new" food. I really feel good but I have remember that I still need to be careful so I don't get an infection.
As I have said before that God puts people in places for a certain reason. Today we went to Wal-Mart and as I was going down an aisle, a lady said to me, "Where did you get your mask? I would like to get some to wear while I mow." I told her the reason for my wearing the mask and she got a surprised look on her face and said that her husband was going to have to have bone marrow transplant in the near future. She wanted to know where I had mine and I told her that I would recommend MCV to anyone. She thanked us for all the information. I pray that I was of help to her.
That about takes care of my week. I pray that each of you will have a good week. I have something to look forward to this week-- Scott, Beth, Grady and Libby are coming up for the weekend. We have two baby showers to go to for Jennifer and Ryan. It won't be long now till the baby is here-- 6 weeks!
Blessings to all,
Love, Gloria