Monday, September 29, 2008
day17 after transplant
I got up at 8 and showered and ate breakfast and then had to be at the clinic at 11:15. We left a little early because we were not sure what the schedule would be. The first thing that I had done was labwork and then was put in an isolation room because of my influenza -but it was a room with an lady that had it too. We had a good conversion and it was nice to met somebody new.
I got an IV of saline solution and and an IV of magnesium. They gave a copy of my labs and the nurse said that it was very good, I just needed to be sure to drink, drink, and drink!
My platets are up to 189 and my white blood cells are up 10.7. Praise God that is very important.
While I was in clinic Pam met a lady there that was waiting on her husband and she gave Pam a tour of the unit and then Pam went to CVS to get my meds and to the grocery store that was next door and ran the food back to the hotel and just as I was getting done she walked through the door and away we went -perfect timing. Then we rode around the vicinity of the hotel to see if we could find a Wal-Mart or CVS or Foodlion but we couldn't find anything so we came back to the hotel. I thought that I would laydown to rest for a while and I slept for 2 hours.
My nose was very stuffy tonight so I hopped in the shower and stood in the steam for a while and that really helped. The nurses at the clinic was talking about how many of their patients have this influenza and that you can pick it up anywhere. They said that the most important thing to do is watch what you touch and to wash hands and use hand santizer and to keep your hands away from your face.
Pam fixed me a wonderful dinner of shell pasta with carrots, onions, mushrooms, crabmeat and celery all sauted and then an Italian like dressing. Then she fried up some apples. Although I had to admit to her that I could not taste it a lot I knew that if my taste buds were normal it would be delicious.
Well, I have the same schedule at the clinic tomorrow so I think that after 10pm meds I will hit the bed.
Gods Blessing to All of You,
Sunday, September 28, 2008
day 16 after transplant
This has been a long but wonderful day. First of all this is the Lord's day and I watched Charles Stanley on TV. He had a wonderful message on the trials in our lives, if we follow God, He is always there for us and that will make your faith stronger and then you are to serve others by helping them. So true.
Dr. Chung came in and said that everything is a go and to drink plenty of water or liquid. That would get rid of all the toxic and help keep all my other organs functionng. At least my appetite has come back a little, it still all tastes like metal but I am able to eat noodle soup and keep it down. He said that he was glad to see me go but that he would miss me - I entertained him !
Next Rodney and I started to pack up and they wanted us out by 3 and that is about the time that Ryan and Jennifer came so they took down all the cards and and other decorations. The nurses helped us to put everything on a cart and we were off to the pharmacy to get my meds and then off to my new home for several months, The Candlewood Suites. It is really nice and they couldn't have been more accomodating. Now that it has been cleaned and redecorated it feels like home.
I have a wonderful caregiver, Pam, here with me until Tuesday and then Rodney will come down for the rest of the week. She was a big help in getting my meds straightened out that I will need for tonight and tomorrow -- that took a while because there so many and they have to be taken at a certain time. She will be coming back for the whole next week. I am just so humbled at everyone that has volunteered to come stay with me. I just can't imagine people who do not have the kind of support that I have from my loving family, church family and neighbors and just friends that I have known. A gaint big thanks to all of you.
Well it has been a long day, after all I am only 16 days old and I need my rest. I have to be at the clinic tomorrow at 11:15 and am hoping that I will not have to stay there all day but whatever it takes I'll do it.
Love to all,
Saturday, September 27, 2008
day 15 after transplant
Today was a very good day for me. First of all my soul mate is here with me. He did take a break this afternoon and a co-worker from Travelers picked him up and they went to his house and then to a Brazilian resturant for dinner (thanks, D.A.). Anybody who knows Rodney knows that he is like "Mikey" and he will try anything. He came back very impressed with the different food that he got to taste, While he was gone I rode my bike and then took a nap (truthfully a deep sleep!).
The doctors were here today and and they said that it would be up to me as to how I feel tomorrow and how much food I can eat and keep down, They gave me an IV of some anti-nausea meds this morning and it has worked wonders. I have kept down all my food (even though it still tastes like metal). I even drank the broth from my noodle soup, before I would pick out the noodles (Richard one of my nurses scolded me for not drinking the broth because I was wasting about 100 calories - he was proud of me today). Also, Dr. Chung is very impressed with my platelett count he said that they sometimes struggle to get other patients count to 50 and my platelett count as of yesterday was 117 !! Nurse just came in to give a copy of my new labwork for today and my platets are now 141!! GOD IS AWESOME !
One other thing that the nurse told me is that I am one of the few patients that she has worked with that has had a very mild case of mucositis. Usually people get sores in their mouth and throat that they can hardly swallow and can last for 2 weeks. AGAIN GOD IS AWESOME!
I have Pam Cox (a nurse) coming to stay with me from Sunday to Tuesday afternoon and Rodney will be with me until Sunday evening. I appreciate everyone who has volunteered their time to come stay with my- it is very humbling and I am looking forward to having your company.
I will post the new address at the Candlewood Suites as soon as I know the room number.
I've told you about the ten-year-old girl that is in my former "ocean" room that she had her transplant yesterday and she has been very sick with this. Her name is Shyanna please let's all remember her and her family in our prayers. It hurts for me to know that she is sick but be assured that she is in the best of hands here.
Wish that we could be in church with all of you but every week that passes gets closer to that wonder day. Miss and love all of you.
God Bless.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Day 14th after transplant
I have tried to eat today but nothing tastes good. It all tastes like metal. But I know that I have to eat be able to get out of here. They say that it will take a while to get the old taste buds back.
Rodney got here tonight about 7:15 and it sure was good to see his face. He was concerned how he was going to get me packed up and moved so Ryan and Jennifer has volunteered to come down Sunday afternoon to help. It is surprising how much stuff you collect in a few short weeks and we thought that we had it under control.
I still have this influenza but prayfully it is gettting better. My lungs are still clear and my temperature is normal. It is just a little bothersome.
I continue to thank everyone for the cards and the love and support. I know that without all of this support I would not be doing as well as I have done. Candlewood Suites and then the next step is home.
God Bless and love you all,
Thursday, September 25, 2008
13th day after transplant
I had a pretty good night until about 6:30 so I finished another book. Then breakfast came and it was ok --cream of wheats and applesauce. At least it stayed down. Then I rode my bike and watched all the people going to work and then it started to rain. It has rained here really hard all day-- they say it is because the State Fair started today and it always rains. Sounds like when the circus comes to our town.
My flu is not any worse but now I cough and cough -- they finally gave me some cough syrup-- hope it helps. I think that there are other people on the floor that has this also.
My lab work was good today --platets high and sugar down and my white blood count is down to 3 from 4 yesterday but they said that was normal. They took the food in a bag away and they want me to eat solid food now. I still do not have much of an appetite but can't get out of here until I start eating and keep it down.
Dr. Chung told me today that I will be discharged on Sunday ! I will have another address at the Candlewood Suites. He first said Friday but I said that is tomorrow and I can't get ready that fast so he said Sunday. This is about 1 week earlier than I expected so Rodney and I are scrambling trying to get everything ready.
God is so awesome and He has been with me every step of the way. If you just have the faith of the size of a mustard seed you can move a mountain and lots of prayers from wonderful friends like you sure does help also.
God Bless you All,
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
day 12 after transplant
Today I got up and rode my bike and took my shower and got my meds. They are wanting to wean me off of this food in a bag so they want me to eat more solid food. I really do not have an appetite but this morning for breakfast I ate one small pancake and jello. Well that didn't stay down very long ! I had hot tea which tasted good and helped to soothe my throat.
I got a large stack of cards again today -- thanks to everyone.
This afternoon the doctors came in and said that my white blood count was 2 yesterday and today it is 4! I don't know what is normal -- I will ask them tomorrow. I told them that I was riding my bike and thinking how I could get out of here and one the nurses said to tie really tight square knots in sheets (Iam on the 10th floor). After they left I saw these two ropes swing in front of my windows and the next thing I see is a man swinging and trying to put a suction cup on my window --- thought they were coming to get me but he was washing the windows. Boy I wouldn't want that job.
Most of the afternoon I read a book and took a nap. I felt pretty lazy but I am trying to get over this influenza. I would like to be able to walk the halls but I have to stay in the room with the door shut.
Several people called and it was good to hear their voice and to talk to them.
That takes care of my exciting day.
Thanks for your continued support and prayers and calls and cards. God hasn't brought me this far to leave me now -- He will see me all the way through.
Love to all,
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
day 11 of transplant
Today was an uneventful day -- just a lazy day. I got up at 5a.m. and rode my bike and read my Bible.
At 10 a m they gave me Benadryl because they were going to give me platets and then they found out that the blood bank didn't have enough -- they said that was ok mine was not that low but they wanted to boost them a little. Well I had a wonderful nap -I slept until after 1 pm and could not remember what day it was.
The doctor that takes care of the food in the bag said that he wants me to wean off of the bag. So I ate some mashed potatoes, jello and a popisle. I just don't have much of an appetite.
Dr. Chung was is and he is pleased with my progress my white blood cells are up to 2 now ! He said that I was about a week ahead of schedule. Now if I can get rid of the influenza -- don't know how I got it but Dr. Chung said that it is a lot going around. There has been nothing said about me moving to another room so that is good.
Grady and Libby made me this decorated box with rainbows, birds, sunshine, trees and of course bugs on it (Libby loves bugs) and inside the box is 100 envelopes that I am to open one a day. Some envelopes have pictures of the kids and others have drawings and others have Bible verses. The one that I opened today was one that Grady wrote it from Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do no be terrifed; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you where ever you go! That helped me through today thanks Grady --Mamaw loves you.
I am going to turn in early tonight and try to get rid of this bug - they say it just has to work its way out and rest is good for it.
God Bless Everyone
Love to All
Monday, September 22, 2008
day 10 after trensplant
Had a very good day -- they kept me up a lot last night so after riding my bike and taking my shower I decided to be lazy. I started reading a new book and did some sudoku puzzles.
I still do not have an appetite but the doctor wants me to try to start eating solid food - so I am going to try some mashed potatoes. It is getting harder to swallow pills but they want me to try to swallow pills so they won't have to give me so much through an IV.
I had a couple of surprises today. I told the doctor that my leg bones and my lower back is aching and he said that meant that the white blood cells are starting to grow !!! He said that I am about 1 week ahead of schedule -- my donor must have really given me some good stuff. Thank you God. Prayers do work.
Then for my second surprise today Rev. Steve came for a visit. It was good to see him -- he couldn't stay long but it was a good visit.
Thanks to all for your phone calls, cards, and prayers. Also for all the comments on the blog it has been awesome.
Love to everyone,
Sunday, September 21, 2008
day 9 after transplant
Last night was a very busy night -- they gave me blood and platets. Benadryl helped me to sleep but they came in every hour to check my vitals. I woke up at 8 am which is late for me. I did ride my bike before Rodney got here this morning.
We missed going to church but we did watch Jerry Falwell's son and Charles Stanley. I sure enjoyed Chareles Stanley.
After that we watched the Washington Redskins vs Azriona -- Redskins won !
While Rodney went to lunch I took a nap - he said I was asleep before he left the room.
They took another culture to see if I indeed do have a virius -- please will you say a prayer that I do not. Rodney and all the nurses are still having to suit up. If the test comes back positive there is a possibility that I will be moved to another floor. I am not looking forward to that because the transplant floor is where I need to be. The nurses are so good here.
Rodney left to go home at 3 because I didn't want him to be driving in the dark ad there are some things that he needs to do to get ready for work tomorrow. I could see in his eyes that he didn't want to leave. I tried to assure him that I would be fine.
Please continue to pray for Rodney and me. I know that you are because I can feel the prayers being answered. The nurse told me today that I am really doing very well and making good progress.
Thanks for your support and I love all of you,
Saturday, September 20, 2008
day 8 after transplant
Rodney and I are watching the JMU football game. So far they are behind but hopefully they will soon get their heads on straight and can get in the game.
I have had a very good day. I have not had to move and I am praying that I won't have to. A 10 year old little girl is in the ocean room. She needs prayers too.
I did eat a few mashed potatoes and some jello.
The doctor was in and he said that things are looking good, The nurse that I had today said that she has worked with lots of patients and she said that I am doing well. She said that she knows that I have a lot of people praying for me and the prayers are working. Just take one day at a time.
Rodney was surprised to see me with a buzz hair cut. He likes my baseball caps. We have enjoyed being together today. He still has to be suited up with gown, gloves and mask.
I will think about all of you in church tomorrow. I sure do miss all of you and I want to thank everyone that has called, sent cards and sent a comment on my blog. I have been awed by the number of people that has looked at my blog (over 2800). What a nice way to keep up with me without having to call the family to see how I am doing.
God Be With All of You Always,
Rodney and Gloria
Friday, September 19, 2008
7th day after transplant
I was kept awake alot of the night because I had to have some platets and they didn't come in until 3 am and so they kept me awake to take my vitals. But I did finally get to sleep and didn't wake until 8!
Got lots of mail again today and the nurses don't know where I will find a place to put them but I know that I will find a place. I also got a package of books from Joseph andSusannah Williams, they are part of Scott and Beth's small group. I have read one of his other books and I sure enjoyed it and I shared the book with Shirley Hohenstein.
This afternoon I kind of got a scare -- Dr. Toor one of the bone marrow doctors told me that the test that they took day before yesterday came back today postive for a virsus --- they think that I have the flu. They will decide tomorrow if I need to be moved to another floor ! Please say prayers that this will not be necessary. I am not allowed to leave the room and anyone that comes in has to be suited up --gloves, mask and gown! I think that they will do another test tomorrow. Day before yesterday my nose was running and I sneezed couple of times but I didn't think too much about that. I told my nurse and she suggested that we do a culture just to be safe. The results did not come back until today. I do not feel bad or do not have a temperature and my lungs are clear.
I sure would appreciate prayers that I will not have this flu and have to move down to another floor.
Thanks to all,
Thursday, September 18, 2008
6th day after treatment
My morning started on my bike and I saw the same scenery even though I pedaled as hard as I could !
Scott and Beth came for a visit and it was so good to see their smiling faces. They got to meet a lot of my nurses and cps and I think that they were very impressed with the care that they gave me. Scott don't forget what you are to bring Robin on your next visit!
Scott and Beth brought a bag full of homemade cards from Grady's 3rd grade class. I sure do appreciate the teacher taking the time out to let the students make cards.
Dr. McCardy was in and he said that things are going on schedule and he mentioned the day Sept 30!
I had a big day -- a day that I knew was coming but was not looking forward to it. while Scott and Beth was here we had a hair party! I thought long and hard if I wanted to have this part of my journey published or not but I thought about Job when he was being tested and I don't think that he was looking his best but he survived his testing. I have been very honest about all the other parts of my journey so this is just a part of it.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
5th day after transplant
This morning I saw the most beautiful red ball on my bike ride. I rode five miles but the scenery just didn't change much no matter how hard I pedaled.
I woke up to a runny nose and sneezing and felt like I was getting a cold and I know that to blow my nose is a big no no (low plateletts cause bleeding). They took a culture but have not heard from the results yet.
My parents were here for a short visit again today and after they left I thought that I would try to do some reading - well four hours later I woke up! The nurses didn't even come in to take my vitals.
Scott and Beth will be here tomorrow and I am looking forward to spending time with them.
The nurse just came in to give me "food in a bag" last night they said that it was a lobster dinner and tonight it is a steak dinner! All I know it that I sleep and eat all night. My appetite is nothing right now.
I want to thank everyone for looking at my blog and for the continued prayers and also for the cards. I got 24 today! The cute little nurse Anna opens them because she says that she never gets mail.
Thank you Denny and Pam for having Rodney for dinner tonight - I know that he wil enjoy the food and the companny.
Please continue to keep the prayers coming - they sure work.
More later,
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
2nd edition to day 4 after transplant
I had a wonderful visit with my parents today and they will be here for a short visit tomorrow and then they will go home. Scott and Beth will be here on Thursday.I got mail today and the nurses are still so surprised of the the mail that I continue to get. Last posting today I told you that I got moved to another room but I failed to give you the new address
Room #10-735 and the telephone # is 804-649-5369.
Now I can not promise you this but I hope that this will be the last change I have to make. Dr. McCardy said today that he wanted me to be in this room because he thought that I would enjoy it better and he wanted his "poster child" to be happy ! He is a very caring doctor. I found out that he is the father of 5 children (including a set of twins) He has a daughter that is 19 and her birthday is SEPT. 11! He slso is a Christian and on Sunday church is his first priority. God is AWESOME.
I miss everyone but it sure does help to hear from you and just to know that you are out there lefting up prayers -- I do feel them.
More later.
PS Thanks to you for taking care of Rodney for me while we are apart.
Day 4 after transplant
Yesterday was a very exciting day! I woke up at 6 a.m. to see the buses going to school and the other people going to work. I prepared for Ryan and Jennifer by taking a shower and the warm water sure felt goooood! It was so good to see their beautiful smiling faces. Jennifer brought some things to decorate the room but before she could get started Richard (one of the nurses) said that I was going to be moved to ANOTHER room! But I could not do that until after 6 p.m. because it has to be 24 hours to be sure that all the germs are killed. So Ryan and Jennifer helped to pack things up so things could be moved easier. The new room is suppose to bigger and does not have the noise from the air filter. I had a wonderful visit with them and hated to see them go but I did want them to get home before dark.
Richard started moving things and it took me quite a while to get things put away.I'm not done but I ran out of juice! I was in bed by 9:30. I really slept well even with them coming in every hour to check vitals.
I was told that the next exciting thing that will start tonight at 9 p.m. I will be getting my "food in a bag" and I will eating all night while I sleep! How's that for convenience ?
Also, I was told that the next thing that I will have to look forward to is mucouscitis where I will have difficulty swallowing starting at the throat and stomach and all the way to the other end, This is the next prayer that I have that it will be very mild and short lived.
Today Dad and Corinne are coming down to visit for the next two days and I am looking forward for the visit.
Please continue praying for me and thanks for all your love and support. When I read all my comments it is very humbling and awesome to me that there are so many people out there that care.
God Bless,
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Day 3 after transplant
Not much of an appetite -- I have eaten jello, popsicles and dry cherrios. I did have a few mashed potatoes this afternoon.
One thing unexpected did happen today but nothing that we can't deal with --sorry to say that a child is coming in and I had to move to another room ! I do not feel that I am in the ocean anymore but thats ok. Now my room # is 10-739 and my phone # to my room is 804-649-5374.
Rodney has left to go home and I was glad he was here when I moved to my new room but he really hated to leave. I assured him that I am in good hands here with the nurses and that Friday will be here soon. I pray that God will take care of him and that he won't have spare hours to worry about me.I know that work will be good for him and keep him busy.
Ryan and Jennifer are planning on coming down tomorrow morning for the day. Sure am looking forward to seeing them. Tuesday my Dad and Step-Mom are coming down and then on Thursday Scott and Beth will be here. That will be a good.
Sure missed being in church today,but that will be the way it will be for a while. THIS TOO SHALL PASS. I did watch a church service on TV.
Thanks to all of you who have continued to pray for me and support me. The nurses are in awe of how many people back home have shown their support with cards etc. Even the nurses here have said that they are praying for me at their church and small groups.
God Bless, and Love To All,
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Day 2 After Transplant
Friday, September 12, 2008
Day 1 after transplant
Thursday, September 11, 2008
More news
They are still trying to keep Gloria asleep. She wakes up every once in a while and talks to Rodney. They had a little scare tonight when a blood test came back showing her hemoglobin was very low. After retesting they discovered that her port had not been completely flushed of saline solution. When the ran the test again it came back normal.
The doctors are still very pleased with her progress and have rendered her immune system to zero. This is the result of the chemo, which will continue to impact her over the next 7-10 days. She will most likely have flu-like symptoms for the next 10-14 days while her body begins to build back her immune system.
Rodney is doing ok, but I can tell the stress is getting to him. Normally he is not a worrier (yeah right), but waiting on test results is weighing heavily on him.
We continue to thank everyone for their prayers, emails, and blog comments. If you have sent her an email or posted a comment, don't expect a reply anytime too soon. However, they are reading your messages. Rodney is trying to go through the blog comments and pass them along to Gloria.
Day Zero - the transplant
This morning started off pretty rough. Gloria was still pretty sick from yesterday's chemo. As the morning progressed, she started to feel better.
The transplant took place around 2:00 PM. It took a little over an hour and was administered through an IV. The doctor said everything looked very good and that what was collected from the donor was above average quality. Following the transplant Gloria had a hard time keeping warm and shook very badly. To help control it they gave her medicine, which knocked her out for a few hours.
Other than that, the transplant was very successful. When I have more information, I will post it.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
my rest day before my new birthday
Looking forward to tormorrow for my new birthday and Rodney's and my 37th wedding anniversay. Alot of things have happened on that date. Who would have guessed that we would be spending our anniversay this way. I am so thankful for him and hope that the next years will not be spent in the hospital.
We continue to pray that the donor got harvested today and that the travel to MCV will be a success. The doctors said that things are going as planned and that I am still their "poster child' and they will be here during my infusion.
My Dad and Step Mom were here today for a visit -- it was really good to see their faces and to spend some time with them.
My brother from AZ called to set up a week to come to be my caregiver for a week -- I' m so excited and thankful that he would want to do that.
Well, I have been overwhelmed with all the cards that I have received -- I got 4 yesterday and 10 today -- the nurses are in awe that I have so much support from family, friends and church friends and school staff.
Please pray for my big day and that all will go well. I know that God will be there beside me all the way.
God Bless,
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Day 6 of my journey of hope
My day started out with excerising on my bike and a hike in the hallway several times. Then I had a shower and ate breakfast. I am noticing that the food does not taste as good as it did but that is to be expected.
I can't believe all the preventive meds that I have to take but thank goodness for them. At 2:oo I got the second round of the bad boy chemo. It made my mouth seems like it was on fire and it wouldn' t go away-- it made my cheeks rosey red and the glands in my neck started to swell. They even put me on a low dose of morphine. Rodney went to do the laundry and while he was gone I slept -- my phone rang and I didn' t know if it was 7 am or 7 pm ! I do feel better now.
One of the guys that Rodney works with (John) took him out to dinner this evening at the Comfort Resturant-thanks John for taking him out to get his mind off of me. He talked about
how good the meal was. John told Rodney that is important at a time like this to take care of the caregiver also. Thanks I think that is very true.
Now I need to brag about my wonderful caregiver -Rodney- he has been through alot with me and now we have one more journey. I will miss him when he goes home on Sunday, but I konw that this is something that needs to be done. As I have said before "THIS TOO SHALL PASS"
Hope to write more tomorrow,
Please say a big prayer for me in the next couple of weeks until my bone marrow infusion starts to take over and do its job and the flu-like syptoms that I was told to expect goes away.
God Bless All Of YOU!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Update - Day 5
Gloria is unable to post an update today... it's been a little rough. This morning, she started on her first round of the more intensive chemotherapy, with several more following. They also started her on the drug that keeps her body from fighting off her donors' blood cells. It didn't take long until she felt the affects. She had flu like symptoms along with some other side affects. They gave her some medicine to help her rest and she has been sleeping most of the day.
Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Sunday Sept. 7 on my journey
I wanted to introduce you to some of my caregivers here at the hospital. Len has been my head nurse and she is wonderful --so caring and stops by to see if there is anything that she can do for me or Rodney. She is so thoughtful that she took my laundry home with her to wash them since we 2 hrs. away from home.
Reggie is studying to be a nurse --he also is Philipino and he is so bubbly. He bounces in the room and he can't do enough for you. He fixed our computer cliche and then he showed Rodney Clark Air Force base ( where Rod was stationed for 16 months). They were like two little kids on the computer.
Reggie came in my room at 2 am this morning and said that he was a little down because the other patients didn't seem to be happy with his care and I told him that I was sure that it wasn't anything that he did wrong but some people when they are not feeling well they don't know how to deal with being sick. I told he to tell them "THIS TOO SHALL PASS" He left the room more cheerful. He tries so hard.
Annie (also Philipino) teaches young people at her church and they pray for her patients and she said that they would be praying for me now too! I told you that God is good.
I have found out that I can have some visitors -- just make sure that they are not sick or been exposed to anyone that has been sick or has recently had a vaccination. They also have to wash their hands.
For those interested my address for a while is Gloria Hildebrand
VCU Medical Center
1300 E. Marshall St.
North Hospital, 10th Floor
Room #10-733
Richmond, VA 23298
My hospital phone # is 804-649-5112
Saturday, September 6, 2008
My 3rd day on my journey
The nurses call me the "new kid on the block" because I still have hair. On Monday I will start a another kind of chemo and this may be not so pleasant. They have meds for the side effects but not for the part about losing my hair-- but I have been there and done that before and I can do it again.
I am waiting for my 11th chemo treatment and I am still feeling well. God is amazing!
The food here is very good and is prepared totally on the transplant unit and is served in all throw away containers.Everybody has to clean their hands before they can enter the room. Rodney can not eat in the room. He can have a drink in the room but it has to have a lid on the cup. Before I got in the room I was given new pillows and telephone out of sealed bags and I can take them home with me or they will be thrown out when I leave the hospital. Everyday I have to take a shower and while I am in the shower they completely clean my room and linens. They even put up a new shower curtain everyday. The air in each room is filtered and there can be no more than 4 people in the room at the same time so the air can be filtered properly. My computer had to be wiped down and even the cell phones. They are very serious about this and this will continue when I leave here and go to the Candlewood Suites and even when I get home. My life depends on everything being clean.
I sure appreciate Barbara being willing to set up a caregiving training session for my caregivers-- the date has not be set yet but you will soon being hearing from her.
Thanks for continuing to keep us in your thoughts and prayers. I feel them!
God Bless all of you,
Rodney and Gloria
Friday, September 5, 2008
Update - Day 2
I finished 7 rounds of chemotherapy today and I'm still feeling good. I was able to ride the exercise bike for a little while in between the nurses coming in. The nurses are taking good care of me and I had the same one as yesterday. The hospital is having some problems with the wireless Internet connection, so I am not able to check email very often. Once they get it fixed, I should be able to check more regularly. Tropical storm Hanna is starting to reach us and we've had some heavy rain already. That's it for today. Thank you for your continued prayers.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
My first day of my journey
They immediately started to do lab work and then at 10 I got my first round of chemo. Then another round at 2 pm and my last round for today will be at 10pm tonight. After each round of chemo they take several vials of blood that is flown to Washington state for testing tonight -- I told them that I won't have any blood left.
My nurse today and tomorrow is Len from the Phillipines and she is wonderful. Her and Rodney was on the same page since he spent 16 months there. They had a big conversation about the food.
I still feel well and still have a postive attitude but I miss everyone. I thank all of you for your continued support and prayers. That helps me to get through this journey.
God Bless,
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The journey begins
Tomorrow afternoon Gloria checks into the hospital for some pre-tests. She will then come back on Thursday morning to begin chemotherapy and her hospital stay will begin.
During her time there, we ask that you check her blog for updates and not call her as she may be very tired. You can post comments here on the blog or send her emails at Please be patient with her as she tries to respond. When we have a mailing address, we will post it here.
We love you Mom and we are praying for you.
Your blog team,
Scott and Ryan